CANTAB TECOLOGÍA S. DE R.L. C.V. (“Yeltic”) con domicilio en Jose María Ibarrarán 84, piso 6, Col. San José Insurgentes, C.p. 03900, Ciudad de México, México, se compromete a proteger la privacidad de sus usuarios. La Política de Privacidad de Yeltic (la “Política de Privacidad”) es aplicable a toda la información personal recolectada o proporcionada a través de nuestros sitios web (nuestras “Sitios Web”) y cualquier sitio móvil, aplicación, y cualquier otra modalidad interactiva móvil (conjuntamente, nuestras “Aplicaciones”). Si usted no está de acuerdo con alguno de los términos de esta Política de Privacidad, por favor no utilice la página ni proporcione ningún tipo de información personal.
Información Personal
¿Qué tipo de Información Personal recolectamos?
“Información Personal” es toda aquella información que lo identifica como individuo y que recolectamos durante el proceso de registro en la app:
- Usuario
- Correo electrónico
- Contraseña
- Perfil
¿Cómo recolectamos su información personal?
Nosotros y nuestros proveedores de servicios podemos recopilar su información personal:
- A través de Sitios Web, podremos recopilar Información Personal, por ejemplo:
- La información recopilada de los usuarios de la página web es la siguiente:
- Nombre completo;
- Teléfono celular
- Tema
- Descripción y
- Correo electrónico
- La información recopilada para las organizaciones es la siguiente:
- Nombre de la organización
- Industria;
- Nombre completo de persona contacto con Yeltic;
- Correo electrónico;
- Teléfono celular;
- Dirección;
- Código postal;
- País;
- Ciudad
- Dominio de internet
A través del uso de alguna Aplicación. Al descargar y utilizar una Aplicación, nosotros y nuestros proveedores de servicios podemos recopilar información de su dispositivo y sistema operativo, región y datos de uso de la Aplicación, tales como la fecha y hora en que la Aplicación instalada en su dispositivo acceda a nuestros servidores y qué información y archivos han sido descargados a la Aplicación en su dispositivo.
Solicitamos permiso para usar la cámara, el micrófono y la memoria de almacenamiento. Lo anterior para uso correcto de los interactivos propios de la Aplicación. No almacenamos grabaciones de audio ni imágenes tomadas durante el uso de la Aplicación.
Así mismo, se recuperan y almacenan los datos relativos a las actividades de aprendizaje tales como:
- Los resultados de sus logros a partir de la evaluación y el contenido que introduce en la Aplicación. Esto puede incluir su rendimiento en pruebas, encuestas y otras fuentes de gamificación
- Almacenamiento automático de las respuestas, incluyendo la respuesta de opción múltiple, la respuesta de texto escrita por el usuario, la respuesta de selección de opciones, y otras que puedan incluirse.
- Cuándo y durante cuánto tiempo participa en el contenido de aprendizaje, el aprendizaje social y otras características de la Aplicación.
¿Cómo usamos su Información Personal?
Podremos usar su Información Personal:
- Para responder a sus consultas y satisfacer sus solicitudes.
- Para ponernos en contacto con usted.
- Para nuestros propósitos, tales como análisis y gestión de nuestros productos, auditorías, mejorar nuestros Sitios, mejorar nuestros servicios y productos, identificar tendencias de uso y medir la satisfacción del cliente, así como proveer servicio al cliente (incluida la solución de problemas en relación con servicios al cliente).
- Utilizamos información recopilada a través de su dispositivo para fines estadísticos.
- Ya que creemos que es necesario o apropiado: (a) bajo la ley aplicable, incluyendo leyes fuera de su país de residencia; (b) cumplir con procesos legales; (c) para responder a las solicitudes de las autoridades públicas y de gobierno incluyendo las autoridades públicas y de gobierno fuera de su país de residencia; (d) para hacer cumplir nuestros términos y condiciones; (e) para proteger nuestras operaciones o las de cualquiera de nuestras afiliadas; (f) para proteger nuestros derechos, privacidad, seguridad o propiedad, y/o de nuestras afiliadas, de usted o de otras personas; y (g) para permitirnos buscar soluciones disponibles o limitar los daños que nosotros podemos contener.
- Sus datos personales se tratarán por Yeltic, quien los procesa en cumplimiento de la legislación de protección de datos y privacidad aplicable. Si tiene preguntas sobre el tratamiento de sus datos personales realizado por Yeltic, o le gustaría obtener una copia de la información que tiene Yeltic, o quiere que sean rectificados, o bien, sus datos personales son inexactos o desea sean eliminados, por favor contáctenos.
Utilizamos medidas organizacionales, técnicas y administrativas razonables para proteger la Información Personal que se encuentra bajo nuestro control.
Cuando se registre, le pediremos que elija una contraseña que le permita acceder a los cursos y contenidos en línea. Usted es responsable de mantener esta contraseña confidencial. Esta contraseña no debe ser compartida con nadie. Si existe alguna razón por la que crea que su relación y/o comunicación con nosotros ya no es segura (por ejemplo, si considera que la seguridad de cualquier cuenta que tenga con nosotros se encuentra comprometida), por favor notifíquenos el problema inmediatamente, comunicándose con nosotros según se indica en la sección de "Contacto".
Derechos De Acceso, Modificación
Le ofrecemos diversas opciones relacionadas con el uso y revelación de su Información Personal para fines de publicidad. Usted tiene el derecho de acceso, rectificación y solicitud de cancelación de sus datos personales de acuerdo con la legislación aplicable. Usted también tiene el derecho de oponerse a ciertas prácticas de procesamiento de datos o a revocar su consentimiento, de acuerdo con lo permitido por la legislación aplicable. Con el fin de ejercitar sus derechos, por favor contáctenos de la forma en la que referimos más adelante.
Adicionalmente, nosotros no revelaremos su Información Personal a terceras personas, incluyendo nuestras subsidiarias. Solamente compartiremos su Información Personal si hemos recibido previamente su autorización para hacerlo. Adicionalmente, aun cuando contemos con su previa autorización, dejaremos de compartir su Información Personal si recibimos y procesamos una solicitud de su parte, en la cual nos solicite detener la transmisión de su Información Personal. Si usted quisiera realizar dicha solicitud, por favor hágalo mediante el procedimiento establecido en la sección de "Contacto". Por favor indique claramente que solicita que se detenga la transmisión de su Información Personal a nuestras subsidiarias y/o cualquier tercero con propósitos de publicidad.
En caso de que quiera cerrar su cuenta de la Aplicación de forma permanente, por favor hágalo mediante el procedimiento establecido en la sección de "Contacto". Por favor indique claramente que solicita eliminar de forma permanente su cuenta. Al hacerlo, su solicitud será procesada y posteriormente su cuenta será eliminada.
Por favor, tome en cuenta que los cambios pueden no hacerse de manera inmediata. Nos esforzaremos por cumplir con su(s) solicitud(es) tan pronto como nos sea posible y en ningún caso después de 30 días a partir de que recibamos su petición.
Sitios De Terceros
Si compartimos sus datos, cuando lo hagamos, siempre lo haremos en virtud de un acuerdo escrito que rige cómo se deben proteger sus datos. Tenga la seguridad de que no compartiremos su información por ningún otro motivo, a menos que la ley nos exija o nos permita hacerlo en virtud de esta Política de privacidad.
Proporcionaremos datos personales a nuestros proveedores de alojamiento como Firebase y Azure. Estos procesadores de datos nos ayudan a ofrecerle el Servicio. En relación con estas operaciones, nuestros proveedores de servicios tendrán acceso a los datos personales durante un tiempo limitado. Cuando utilizamos proveedores de servicios para el tratamiento de cualquier dato personal, aplicamos protecciones contractuales que limitan el uso de esos datos personales a la prestación de servicios a Yeltic.
Compartir datos de aplicaciones con Organizaciones- información estadística
En relación con su uso de la aplicación, podemos proporcionar la siguiente información a la organización de la cual forma parte:
- Bloques de preguntas respondidos
- Interactivos completados
- Bloques de interactivos cursados
- Lecciones completadas
- Temas completados
- Módulos completados
- Lección, tema y módulos desbloqueados
- Experiencia (XPs) obtenidos
- Evaluaciones completadas y puntaje obtenido
- Insignias ganadas
- Racha de días consecutivos usando la aplicación
- Racha de días sin usar la aplicación
Periodo De Conservación
Sólo conservamos sus Datos Personales durante el tiempo necesario para cumplir los fines para los que los hemos recogido. La información estadística anónima y agregada que no puede identificarle se conservará durante períodos más largos. Yeltic almacenará los datos personales recogidos hasta la solicitud explícita de eliminación de la cuenta en la App. Sólo conservamos sus Datos Personales durante el tiempo necesario para cumplir los fines para los que los hemos recogido. La información estadística anónima y agregada que no puede identificarle se conservará durante períodos más largos. Yeltic almacenará los datos personales recogidos hasta la solicitud explícita de eliminación de la cuenta en la App.
Información Sensible
Generalmente solicitamos que no nos envíen y/o nos revele cualquier Información Personal sensible (por ejemplo, información relacionada con el origen racial o étnico, opiniones políticas, religión u otras creencias, salud o dolencia, antecedentes penales o afiliación sindical), ya sea a través de los Sitios o directamente a nosotros. En casos específicos, le haremos saber cómo proporcionarnos dicha información de manera segura.
Modificación A Esta Política De Privacidad
Podremos realizar modificaciones a esta Política de Privacidad. Cualquier modificación a esta Política de Privacidad entrará en vigor en el momento en el que publiquemos la nueva versión en cualquiera de nuestros Sitios. El uso que usted haga de los Sitios a partir de la publicación de estas modificaciones significa que usted acepta la nueva Política de Privacidad.
Si tiene cualquier pregunta acerca de la presente Política de Privacidad, por favor contáctenos a Contacto
This Privacy Policy sets out the Personal Data which we, at YELTIC LIMITED (“Yeltic”, “we”, “us” or “our”), incorporated and registered in United Kingdom with company number 12006872 whose registered office is at 42-44 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 4AH, England, collect in the course of our interaction with you (when you use our application, visit our website or are a recipient of our services), and the way in which we handle those Personal Data.
For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018 and any other applicable data protection and privacy laws and regulations (“Data Protection Legislation”), YELTIC LIMITED will be the ‘data controller’ for all Personal Data we determine the means and purpose of processing.
Where we receive your Personal Data from an Organization, or where we share your Personal Data with an Organization, we will be doing so in the capacity of a ‘joint data controller’ pursuant to the applicable Data Protection Legislation and accordance with the principles set out below.
1.1 Yeltic LeARn App Users
If you register to use the Yeltic LeARn app or any other Yeltic created app or e-learning platform (each defined as an “App”), we will collect the following information from you:
- Username
- Email address (which will typically be your Organization’s email address)
- Password
- Profile picture
- Device type
- Operating system
- Region
- Session progress
- Answers
This information may be provided to us directly by your Organization (where applicable).
¿Cómo recolectamos su información personal?
When you use the App, we also collect the following data:
- User configuration preferences, such as notifications enabled, language, video preference by download or streaming, cellular data usage
- We also request permission to use the camera, microphone, and storage memory. This is for the proper use of the app's interactives. We do not store audio recordings or images taken during the use of the app.
- The results of your achievements from assessment and content that you enter onto the App. This may include how you perform on quizzes, polls, and other sources of gamification
- Automatic saving of answers, including multiple-choice answers, user typed text answers, and choice selection answers.
- When and for how long do you engage with learning content, social learning, and other features of the App (as further detailed below).
1.2 Website Users
Whilst you can use our website (the “Website”), without providing your Personal Data, once you contact us via the Website, you will provide us with your:
- Full name
- Mobile number
- Email address
- Topic
- Description
1.3 Website for the Organization
When an Organization is registered to have access to the Yeltic LeARn app, or any other Yeltic created app or e-learning platform (each defined as an “App”), we will collect the following information from you:
- Organization Name
- Industry
- Full name of Yeltic contact
- Email address
- Mobile number
- Address
- Zip code
- Country
- City
- Internet domain
We collect this data to:
- Assist you in answering any questions or queries you may have submitted
- Allow you to use the full range of features on our Apps
- Fulfill any contractual agreements between you and us or your Organization and us
- Manage any User account that you hold with us. Your individual user data (username and email) will be stored on our hosting providers to enable users to access the online learning service, complete courses, answer questionnaires, access resources, record learning progress, and download notes or journal entries
- Comply with our legal and regulatory requirements
- Allow your Organization to monitor your progress and award you with the relevant reward or accreditation as required where you are taking online content and courses and are awarded points
- Provide affiliated organizations with anonymized and aggregated information about user behavior. For example, how often and when users are engaging with learning content or social learning interactions. Permitting affiliated institutes to adapt to the needs of their personnel and enhance their learning experience
- Provide, maintain, protect, and improve the quality of the App(s) we offer, including by conducting anonymized market research
We will only process your information for as long as we have a relevant legal basis to do so. This is usually to provide you with the services you have requested from Yeltic and unless stated, all of the above processing is conducted under the legal basis of the performance of a contract.
We have provided a breakdown of the relevant grounds for processing below:
If we have collected sensitive personal data as part of our service provision, we will always ensure that we either request explicit consent from you or document the appropriate exemption to allow the processing of this data.
We will only use your Personal Data for the purposes for which we collected it unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we consider the new purpose to be incompatible with the original purpose of collection, we will conduct a privacy impact assessment or contact you to request your consent for further processing. If you wish to get an explanation as to how the processing for the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose, please contact us.
We only keep your Personal Data for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for. Anonymized statistical and aggregated information that cannot identify you will be retained for longer periods.
Yeltic will store the collected personal data until the explicit request to delete the account in the App.
If and when we share your data, we always do so under a written agreement governing how your data must be protected.
We will provide personal data to hosting providers such as Firebase and Azure. These data processors help us bring you the Service. For example, we may share your information in order to detect where or how you encountered a bug when using our mobile application. In connection with these operations, our service providers will have access to personal data for a limited time. When we utilize service providers for processing any personal data, we implement contractual protections limiting the use of that personal data to the provision of services to Yeltic.
We will be required to access and disclose personal data in response to lawful requests, such as subpoenas or court orders, or compliance with applicable laws. Additionally, we will access and share accounts or other personal data when we believe it is necessary to comply with the law, to protect our interests or property, to prevent fraud or other illegal activity perpetrated through the Service or using the Yeltic name, or to prevent imminent harm.
Please be assured that we will not share your information for any other reason unless we are required by law or permitted to do so under this Privacy Policy.
Sharing App Data with Organizations – Statistical Information
In relation to your use of the App we may provide the following information to Organizations:
- Question blocks answered
- Completed interactives
- Interactive blocks used
- Lesson completed
- Topic completed
- Module finished
- Lesson, topic, and module unlocked
- Points (experience) earned
- Evaluation scores obtained
- Medals earned
- Consecutive days using the application
- Days without using the application
The above information may be used by Organizations in conjunction with other Identifiable Personal Data they store on you.
Sharing App Data with Organizations – Course Activity and Comments
Yeltic and other partner organizations that provide online and app-based e-learning courses or content carry out academic and educational research to develop and provide improved online course content. Your activities on any Yeltic course are shared with the course provider for academic research purposes. This includes the comments you make where you may disclose certain Personal Data about yourself.
Sharing Data with Other Third Parties
We may be required to disclose your Personal Data by law, i.e. by court order, to government bodies and law enforcement agencies.
We may share your information with third parties in the following ways:
- We may use carefully selected sub-processors to help us collect, store or manage your information. This will always be managed under the terms of a written data processing agreement
- Analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimization of the App and the Website
We take the protection of your data seriously. We protect your Personal Data via the use of various technical and organizational measures such as encryption, password protection, access controls, code obfuscation, authentication required for editing the database, and appropriate firewall technology to prevent unauthorized access. All information is stored on secure servers and is regularly backed up. When you register, we will ask you to choose a password that enables you to access the online courses and content. You are responsible for keeping this password confidential. This password must not be shared with anyone.
You have the following rights:
- To be informed of how and why we process your Personal Data. We have sought to achieve this through this Privacy Policy
- To have access to your Personal Data. You can access your Personal Data by submitting a communication through the Website. You are also entitled to receive confirmation as to whether your Personal Data is being processed by us, as well as various other information relating to our use of your Personal Data
- To amend or rectify your Personal Data, such as changing your communication preferences, account username, or picture, which can be done through your user account settings area on the App. You also have the right to have incomplete Personal Data we hold about you completed, by providing a supplementary statement to us
- To request deletion of your Personal Data in the following circumstances: (i) we no longer need to use your Personal Data for the reasons we told you we collected it for; (ii) where we needed your consent to use your Personal Data and you have withdrawn your consent; (iii) you object to our use of your Personal Data and we have no compelling reason to carry on handling your Personal Data; (iv) our handling of your Personal Data has broken the law; or (v) we must erase your Personal Data to comply with a law we are subject to. Please note, that there may be circumstances where we are legally required or entitled to retain it
- To restrict the processing of your Personal Data where: (i) you think we hold inaccurate Personal Data about you; (ii) our handling of your Personal Data breaks the law, but you do not want us to delete it; (iii) we no longer need to process your Personal Data, but you want us to keep it for legal reasons; or (iv) we are handling your Personal Data because we have a legitimate interest, and are in the process of objecting to this use of your Personal Data., in certain circumstances
- To object to us handling your Personal Data when: (i) we are handling your Personal Data based on our legitimate interests. If you ask us to stop handling your Personal Data in this way, we will stop unless we can show you that we have compelling grounds as to why our use of your Personal Data should continue; or (ii) for marketing purposes
- If you wish to exercise any of these rights in relation to the use of your Personal Data, please contact us (the details to do this can be found in the ‘How to contact us’ section below).
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or about the information we hold about you, please make an enquiry through our contact us page (Contact ).
If we cannot resolve any data privacy issues, or you are unhappy with our decisions, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office , the supervisory authority for data protection issues in England and Wales.
We keep our Privacy Policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page. This Privacy Policy was last updated in June 2022.
At CANTAB TECOLOGÍA S. DE R.L. C.V. (“Yeltic”), we care about your personal data, so we have prepared this Privacy Policy to explain how we collect, use, and share it.
This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) details the personal data, CANTAB TECOLOGÍA S. DE R.L. C.V. (“Yeltic”, “we”, “us” or “our”) receives about you, how we process it, and your rights and obligations in relation to your personal data. Yeltic, a company registered at Jose María Ibarrarán 84, piso 6, Col. San José Insurgentes, C.p. 03900, Ciudad de México, México is the data controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and any relevant local legislation (“Data Protection Laws”).
Information We Collect
This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and share your personal data.
Information you provide
Through the registration process, you will provide us with:
- Username
- Email address (with will typically be your Organization’s email address)
- Password
When an Institution is registered to have access to the Yeltic LeARn app, or any other Yeltic created app or e-learning platform (each defined as an “App”), we will collect the following information from you:
- Organization Name
- Industry
- Full name of Yeltic contact
- Email address
- Mobile number
- Address
- Zip code
- Country
- City
- Internet domain
Activity Data
When you use the Service, you will submit information and content to your profile. We will also generate data about your use of our Services including your engagement in educational activities on the Service, or otherwise transmitting information (“Activity Data”).
We do record the following data:
- Profile picture
- Device type
- Operating system
- Region
- Session progress
- Answers
We also request permission to use the camera, microphone, and storage memory. This is for the proper use of the app's interactives. We do not store audio recordings or images taken during the use of the app.
Product Research and Development
We may contact you to participate in product research activities. These may include surveys, interviews, and other types of feedback sessions. When you participate in these research activities, the information you provide will be used to test, improve, and develop our products. We will record the video, audio, and text transcriptions of this feedback together with any additional contact information you provide and will retain this data for two years.
Use of information obtained by Yeltic
We process your data to help provide you with the Service and offer personalized features, to understand and improve our Service, and keep our Service safe and secure.
We collect this data to:
- Assist you in answering any questions or queries you may have submitted
- Allow you to use the full range of features on our Apps
- Fulfill any contractual agreements between you and us or your Institution and us
- Manage any User account that you hold with us. Your individual user data (username and email) will be stored on our hosting providers to enable users to access the online learning service, complete courses, answer questionnaires, access resources, record learning progress, and download notes or journal entries
- Comply with our legal and regulatory requirements
- Allow your Institution to monitor your progress and award you with the relevant reward or accreditation as required where you are taking online content and courses and are awarded points
- Provide affiliated education institutions with anonymized and aggregated information about user behavior. For example, how often and when users are engaging with learning content or social learning interactions. Permitting affiliated institutes to adapt to the needs of their personnel and enhance their learning experience
- Provide, maintain, protect, and improve the quality of the App(s) we offer, including by conducting anonymized market research.
Sharing your personal data with Institutions
Yeltic shares your personal data only when it is necessary to offer the Service, legally required, or permitted by you.
In relation to your use of the App, we may provide the following information to the Institution where you are employed:
- Question blocks answered
- Completed interactives
- Interactive blocks used
- Lesson completed
- Topic completed
- Module finished
- Lesson, topic, and module unlocked
- Points (experience) earned
- Evaluation scores obtained
- Medals earned
- Consecutive days using the application
- Days without using the application
The above information may be used by Institutions in conjunction with other Identifiable Personal Data they store on you.
Sharing Data with Other Third Parties
We will provide personal data to hosting providers such as Firebase and Azure. These data processors help us bring you the Service. For example, we may share your information in order to detect where or how you encountered a bug when using our mobile application. In connection with these operations, our service providers will have access to personal data for a limited time. When we utilize service providers for processing any personal data, we implement contractual protections limiting the use of that personal data to the provision of services to Yeltic.
We will be required to access and disclose personal data in response to lawful requests, such as subpoenas or court orders, or compliance with applicable laws. Additionally, we will access and share accounts or other personal data when we believe it is necessary to comply with the law, to protect our interests or property, to prevent fraud or other illegal activity perpetrated through the Service or using the Yeltic name, or to prevent imminent harm.
How your personal data is being kept secure
We take the protection of your data seriously. We protect your Personal Data via the use of various technical and organizational measures such as encryption, password protection, access controls, code obfuscation, authentication required for editing the database, and appropriate firewall technology to prevent unauthorized access. All information is stored on secure servers and is regularly backed up. When you register, we will ask you to choose a password that enables you to access the online courses and content. You are responsible for keeping this password confidential. This password must not be shared with anyone.
Data subject rights and data retention
You have the following rights about the personal data we hold about you unless provided otherwise by local law:
- To request access to, or erasure of, the personal data we hold about you.
- To request us to restrict the processing of the personal data we hold about you.
- To object to us processing personal data relating to you.
- Where you have given us consent to process your personal data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.
- To export the personal data, you have provided to Yeltic in a format that can be transferred electronically to a third party.
- To delete your account with Yeltic by following the instructions available through the Service.
- Know what personal information we collect about you and from where we collect it.
- Access a copy of the personal information we hold about you.
- Understand how we process your personal information and how it may be shared.
Yeltic will retain your data until your account is deleted, after which point, we will retain anonymous data collected through the Service, including Activity Data, which may be used by Yeltic and shared with third parties in any manner.
Please note that some of these rights are not absolute. In some cases, we may refuse a request to exercise particular rights if complying with it meant that we are no longer able to meet our contractual obligation to provide you with particular products and services. We will keep you informed as to the actions that we can take when you make your request.
If you need further assistance regarding your rights, please contact us using the contact information provided below and we will consider your request in accordance with applicable law. In some cases, our ability to uphold these rights for you may depend upon our obligations to process personal information for security, safety, fraud prevention reasons, compliance with regulatory or legal requirements, or because processing is necessary to deliver the services you have requested. Where this is the case, we will inform you of specific details in response to your request.
Contact Us
Contact us through our web page to make this request (Contact )